Monday, November 14, 2005

7 things I plan to do
Ø dance all night at the carnival in Rio and explore South America
Ø read a book every week
o start reading poetry again – explore bangla poetry –
o explore the various strands of Indian philosophical thought
Ø cook something exotic each week
Ø raise a happy baby - my little drummer girl
Ø write a gossipy book on Indian history – non fiction
Ø dive in the Bahamas – (I can dive)
Ø learn to belly dance and restart yoga

seven things i can't do:
Ø ride a bicycle
Ø stay alone
Ø speak French or learn a new language
Ø tolerate snobs
Ø socialise with people I don’t really like -
Ø settle down
Ø be satisfied

7 things i say most often:

Plus I am thinking of adding another tag: tell us the names of at least 3 but may be 7? bloggers

Mine are:

Awesome dictator princess


List of bangla Blogs at Blog spot : including a HOW TO guide. The Bangladeshis are taking over people : join 'em or fight 'em - in Bangla, ki bolen Kobi Thakur?

And who hasn't read Salaam pax? I was in Cairo when I started and were one of the few who read him from the start - getting frantic when he stopped without notice for sometime. Historical interest.


Opps Gypsy, You are third. Soumyadip did the first tag. But thanx for tagging me and spreading the word ;-). Linking the tag again for you here.My tag here
Dancing all in the carnival in rio would be nice, but I would rather like to watch too :-D..
I too want to explore South America someday.
Anthony: Whoops! I thought I searched! :)

August: may be you will... :)
i have dutifully done tag, you tagger you! now pliss to be going and reading.
I guess the post was collapsed.. and the title had nothing to do with tagging :-(
Reminds me... want to do a hundred and one things myself... but WHEN?

Great blog, btw. :)
ooh ooh, i've done this i have i have!

anyway, when i posted this, there were 7 comments...

a bit too freaky for comfort
Working on it. How can I say no?! :-)
Fun list. I liked the idea of raising a drummer girl, that'll be exciting though as a parent you'd regret wishing for it :).

I'd love to learn to dive, and then off the Bahamas...oh sworgo aar ki!!
Teleute: good girl!

Doc: would love to see yours!

Silkworm: lol, loved seeing that particular image in my mind, very vivid! No, never been to the Andamans etc. Would love to...
er...what am I doing here?! ~:-O
hey river, welcome! Media type huh?
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